Dear God Are we letting self-doubt stop us?

Primas y Primos!

Let’s get something straight — self-doubt never goes away. There are plenty of people out there who are considered "experts," "gurus," or overall "smarty pants" who won’t ever admit that. But I’m going to admit it. Because I want you to know it and not think that you are all alone in this feeling, even once you start to grow.

Here’s the deal. We set goals for our social enterprise!

They’re scary but exciting. We work hard even when we’re scared. We accomplish those goals. And we set more goals. Those new goals are just as intimidating as the original goals. Because if you’re setting strong goals then you’re asking yourself to do things that you’ve never done before, or if you have, not at the scale of this new goal.

So, because you are pushing yourself into new realms, you doubt your ability to do it.

The self-doubt monster digs her claws in and you wonder . . .

Should I keep going?

Do I really have what it takes?

Am I actually crazy? Will people “ get” my brand?

These feelings may lessen as you become a more experienced business owner (they did for me in fashion but now I am running a totally different model), but I truly believe that they never fully go away. And I’m kind of thrilled that that’s the case. By that I mean I think this self-doubt is a healthy thing, as long as you make it your mission to conquer whatever you’re currently doubting (i.e. reach the goal) and then do it all over again with the next goal.

I think self-doubt can help you reach levels of success you may only be dreaming of, as long as you use it as a driving force. When you say to yourself, "Yes I can do it." When you work to prove yourself wrong rather than allow the doubt to keep you down. I know that sounds easier said than done. But I honestly don’t think it is. I think that we can all take our self-doubt and flip the script.

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How about having something you say to yourself every time the doubt gets fired up?

"You can do this." "

You’re so damn smart, you’ll figure it out."

"Look how far you’ve come."

"I will not be what stands in my way" (this one is my favorite)

“ Look at how many people you will be helping and are helping”

Listen, the sooner you realize that there is no end-point for doubt and fear as an entrepreneur, the sooner you can come up with your strategy for stamping it down and proving yourself wrong about what you can and can’t do.

Believe in yourself.

I believe in you., yu prima favorita
